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software kitの例文


  • Start-up software kits are advertised on television and sold in convenience stores.
  • Is there a software kit from Wikipedia that can assit w / doing this?
  • Within two months it promises a software kit for creating desktop computer speech applications.
  • The United States will provide Spanish-language computer software kits to help Mexicans trace smuggled weapons.
  • And that will be software kits only for people who use Microsoft's Windows operating system on their computers.
  • Its ActiveHome software kit requires only a 386 computer _ that's right, a 386 _ running Microsoft Windows 3.1.
  • Its ActiveHome software kit requires only a 386 computer _ that's right, a 386 _ running Microsoft Windows 3 . 1.
  • The United States is to provide Spanish-language software kits to help Mexicans trace smuggled weapons as is done in the United States.
  • AT & T said Monday that more than 165, 000 of its long-distance telephone customers had requested Worldnet Internet access software kits.
  • AT & AMP; T said Monday that more than 165, 000 of its long-distance telephone customers had requested Worldnet Internet access software kits.
  • The cheaper dogs cannot send audio and video to your PC wirelessly, as the more expensive Aibo can when equipped with a $ 150 software kit.
  • PalmPilot runs on the Windows CE operating system, but can be adapted to work with Apple Macintosh computers with a compatibility cable and software kit costing $ 14.95.
  • Software kits for operating system and layered products were made available on request via FTP download ( previously it had to be shipped on CD which was chargeable ).
  • PalmPilot runs on the Windows CE operating system, but can be adapted to work with Apple Macintosh computers with a compatibility cable and software kit costing $ 14 . 95.
  • Sony was even preparing the release in March of a Windows software kit that would allow Aibo fans to program new movements, sounds and melodies, which could then be shared online.
  • One of the most stylin'software kits Miz Hot Tips has seen is Print Paks Create-A-Book Kit that starts at $ 20 and includes artsy stuff like handcrafted buttons, textured book spines and predrilled paper.
  • The company is to announce on Monday that it will begin shipping a free, pre-release version of Active Web Tools, a software kit for developers based on General Magic's Telescript, a programming language to create agent-based network services.
  • But the hopes of record comgtone, which has started selling a $ 15 software kit that allows consumers to turn digital music files, whether acquired legitimately or illegitimately, into better-sounding " ring tunes "-cutting the labels and wireless carriers out of the deal.
  • The Business Traveler's Suite, a new software kit from Rand McNally, contains three of the company's programs : Tripmaker, which helps map out itineraries; Streetfinder, which pinpoints millions of street addresses in the United States and can be used with global positioning systems, and the Quick Reference Atlas.
  • Other noteworthy offerings included a new palmtop computer based on the Linux operating system, a simple software kit to connect older Palm devices to the Internet via cell phone and a powerful portable hard drive that can store 6 gigabytes of digital music, photos or computer data files.
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